
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Ina Jaschinsk” ,找到相关结果约2036条。
Fertility Forecasting in the German-speaking World: Recent Experience and Opportunities for Improvement
Joshua R. Goldstein,Felix R??ger,Ina Jaschinsk,Alexia Prskawetz
Comparative Population Studies , 2011, DOI: 10.4232/10.cpos-2011-09en
Abstract: In this article, the official fertility projections of the statistical agencies in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland are examined. We refer to the literature on this topic and the history of fertility projections in all three countries. We conclude that the basis of fertility projections is the persistence of the present. We then investigate the most recent projections in more detail – with special regard for their consistency of timing and level changes of fertility. This shows that in the low fertility context, such as in the three countries under consideration, where fertility postponement is expected to stop sometime in upcoming decades, the medium assumptions of constancy contain an implicit decline in the forecasted level of fertility. Both tempo and cohort perspectives on projected fertility reveal this conclusion. Consequently, we suggest that agencies should deal explicitly with the prospect of postponement and their effect on fertility levels. The Bongaarts-Feeney framework or similar ones could be used. We also provide examples of three consistent variants (low, medium, and high) in the case of Germany, and show that such a forecast can in some cases outperform the usual constant level forecast in a low-fertility context.
Α. ?ina
- , 2016, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/bgsg.14106 http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/bgsg.14106
Abstract: Ophiolitic formation of Albanides, named as Mirdita zone, represents a compact segment of oceanic lithosphere of Middle-Upper Jurassic. Based on petrographic, geochemical and metalogenical features two types of belts are distinguished: western MORB and eastern SSZ types. In fact, structural and geological units as well as many other elements have shed light on lack of a sharp separation between the two belts. Recent investigations have evidenced that different ultramafic massifs of western ophiolitic formation, represent an evident variation of their composition from harzburgite to lherzolitic -types. This composition reflects a different grade of partial melting of upper mantle. Peridotites show a high variability, from 0.3 - 3.8 wt.% Al2O3, varying from small to highly extreme depleted peridotite. On the contrary, Albanian eastern belt, it seems to be formed by a more homogeneous hartzburgitic mantle. Detailed petrologic and metallogenic investigations have evidenced that this belt changes also from one massif to another, naturally at a smaller level, therefore it is easier to be named relatively homogeneous. It is distinguished by a higher melting degree, chiefly of hartzburgitic-type, characterized by whole and thick ultramafic section, as well as by metalogenic variety, mostly of metallurgic-type of chromite mineralization. It is supposed that rock-forming and mineraluzation processes have been developed not uniformly along the ophiolitic belt
Tudo é interseccional?: Sobre a rela??o entre racismo e sexismo
Kerner, Ina;
Novos Estudos - CEBRAP , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-33002012000200005
Abstract: the article diffrentiates four modes of relating racism and sexism. the first calls attention to similarities between the two phenomena; the second, to differences; the third, to couplings, and the forth to intersections. a model that encompasses similarities, differences, couplings and intersections, the author stresses, has a much wider critical reach than a one-dimensional one.
Coherent dementia care in the Netherlands. Workshop
Ina Diermanse
International Journal of Integrated Care , 2010,
Mishra Ina
Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics , 2011,
Abstract: Dendrimer as a drug delivery agent is a promising, safe and selective drug delivery option. It s highly selective nature for targeting the desired tissue is the most essential property and holds a promising future for the treatment of several disorders. Its other properties like very small size, polyvalency, monodispersity, stability make it an appropriate carrier for delivering drugs with precision and selectivity. Dendrimers are being used as dru g delivery systems for various drugs like anticancer drugs (methotrexate), drug for prevention of HIV, enhancing bioavailability of pilocarpine for ocular drug delivery, et al. Dendrimer as a drug delivery system is based on the approach of sending a nanoparticle (10-9) to the body, loaded with drug. The drug might be loaded on its terminal surface or encapsulated within the branches of a dendrimer. Dendrimers help in achieving increased bioavailability, sustained, controlled as well as targeted release of drug. There is reduction in the amount of drug and systemic toxicity while the therapeutic efficacy increases. This approach as a drug delivery system certainly promises a reliable, safe, selective and precise method of drug delivery. Thus present review focuses on the fundamentals of dendrimers and their use as drug delivery agents in treatment of disorders.
Notes on distribution and relative abundances of some animal species, and on climate in the Kruger National Park during prehistoric times
Ina Plug
Koedoe : African Protected Area Conservation and Science , 1989, DOI: 10.4102/koedoe.v32i1.467
Abstract: Faunal remains obtained from archaeological sites in the Kruger National Park, provide valuable information on the distributions of animal species in the past. The relative abundances of some species are compared with animal population statistics of the present. The study of the faunal samples, which date from nearly 7 000 years before present until the nineteenth century, also provides insight into climatic conditions during prehistoric times.
The macrofaunal remains of wild animals from Abbofs Cave and Lame Sheep Shelter, Seacow Valley, Cape
Ina Plug
Koedoe : African Protected Area Conservation and Science , 1993, DOI: 10.4102/koedoe.v36i1.359
Abstract: The faunal remains from two adjacent shelters in the Seacow Valley provide evidence of seasonal predation on springbok by hunter-gatherer societies. The unusually high proportion of foetal and neonate remains indicate the hunting of pregnant ewes and/or ewes with newborn lambs. The deposits are disturbed by ground squirrel burrowing, but these did not influence the species representation. The coming of pre-colonial pastoralists and trekboer farmers did not initially influenced the availability of game.
Children as photographers: life experiences and the right to be listened to
Ina Joubert
South African Journal of Education , 2012,
Abstract: This article is about an investigation of eight-year-old children's life experiences as child citizens in democratic South Africa, their right to be listened to and to participate in the democracy. Research indicates that understanding children's life experiences can influence adults' understanding of what needs to be done to support their participation in democratic processes. I employed photovoice methodology as primary mode for data generation. The young children took photos of their home environment and interpreted the content of each photo. Despite the fact that they live in a central city environment known for its crime, the findings revealed surprisingly positive life experiences. However, they did take photos of negative aspects that could harm their experiences of an open society and a free democracy. Through their photos these young participants showed their capability of acting as agents for transforming their home environment, provided that their voices are heard and they are granted the opportunity to participate in these matters.
Ute Walter, Geschichte des Anspruchs auf Schmerzensgeld bis zum Inkrafttreten des bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches
Ina Ebert
Forum Historiae Iuris , 2005,
Projekte om wiskundeprestasie aan 'n tegniese universiteit te verbeter: navorsings-en oorsigartikel
Ina Louw
Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie , 2009, DOI: 10.4102/satnt.v28i4.72
Abstract: Dosente aan tersiêre instansies spreek al ’n geruime tyd hul kommer oor die kwaliteit van wiskundestudente uit. Die blaam word dikwels voor die deur van die sekondêre skole gelê, maar deurvoersyfers is van kardinale belang vir staatsubsidie; derhalwe moet tersiêre instansies voortdurend aksies en intervensies onderneem om studente se wiskundeprestasie te verbeter. In hierdie artikel word verslag gedoen oor die uitslae van twee sodanige studies, met verwysing na moontlike verdere projekte. Die eerste studie behels ’n aksienavorsingsprojek met ’n eksperi-mentele ontwerp wat aan die voormalige Technikon Noord Gauteng uitgevoer is. Die studie het die implementering van ’n tutoriaalstelsel behels en het bepaalde tendense uitgewys. Die tweede studie het ’n ondersoek na assesseringspraktyke in eerstejaarswiskunde aan die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie (TUT) behels. Respondente is aan vernuwende assessering blootgestel, met die oogmerk om hul kennis en vaardigheid in kontemporêre assesseringspraktyke te verbeter en gestalte aan uitkomsgerigte onderrig- en leeromgewings te gee. Hierdie studie het nuwe probleme aan die lig gebring en hernieude pogings moet vervolgens aangewend word om wiskundeprestasie te verseker. Projects to improve mathematics performance at a university of technology Lecturers at tertiary institutions have been expressing concern about the quality of students in mathematics for a long time now. Blame is usually placed at the door of secondary schools, but through put gures are still determining state subsidies and as such necessitate institutions to constantly revisit their efforts in terms of improving performance in mathematics. In this article, the results of two studies to improve the mathematics performance at a technical university are reported. The rst study took place at the former Technikon Northern Gauteng and was an action research project with an experimental design. The study entailed the implementation of tutorial sessions and it revealed certain traits of tertiary mathematics education. Data were collected through structured observation, questionnaires and focus group interviews. A standardized questionnaire, Study Orientation Questionnaire in Maths (SOM), was introduced and “study habits” was the eld in the test that featured most signi cantly in both the experimental and the control groups. The results revealed, inter alia, that timely assessment is needed to detect and correct misconceptions as soon as possible. It also pointed out that attendance of lectures (and tutorials) impacted strongly on performance. Lastly,

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